School Going Student Lunch – Recommendations From Nutritionists

Your child’s daily menu should contain protein, vegetables and energy foods not necessarily at every meal, but throughout the day. If your child doesn’t like breakfast, consider giving them healthy “snacks” to school, the nutritionist advises.

If we look at the total amount of food, there should be something that will give energy. It will be either potatoes, or porridge, or bread, or buckwheat, or something like that. Something should give “building material” – protein meat, eggs, fish or cottage cheese. There should be cooked or fresh vegetables, herbs.

You don’t have to eat all of these foods in one meal. If your child is reluctant to eat breakfast in the morning, you should consider preparing healthy “snacks” for him to take with you. Kids usually really like some cupcakes. You can hide a lot of things in them. You can make salty muffins. In this case, muffins are made from cottage cheese and whole grain flour. You can put a tomato, an apple to this. Nuts or unsweetened dairy products are also good for snacking. Nutritionists note the importance of a school lunch. If the offer of the dining room does not suit you, you can bring your own products.

The most important thing with children’s lunch boxes is not to turn them into candy bowls. Just because your child isn’t overweight doesn’t mean he can eat a lot of sweets. Children often change the contents of their lunch boxes. The one who has a cucumber exchanges it for a chocolate bar. It’s very hard to track down.

Regarding buns, you need to understand that if a child eats them for breakfast, takes them with him to school, and then eats them again after school, this is already too much. The main thing is that children do not go to the nearest store for lunch, because there is a high probability that they will buy unhealthy snacks and sweetened drinks, which nutritionists do not recommend including in the daily menu. It will be more useful to go to the school cafeteria or take a lunch box collected by your parents from home.


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