Can Ice Cream Help You Lose Weight?

Sweet, creamy, and cold – How can one not crave such a foodstuff? Perhaps, one simply cannot.

Ice creams are one of the most loved and consumed sweets in the world. Whether it’s after delicious main courses or a random midnight snack, ice creams serve best for all. They have this unique satisfying and fulfilling attribute that compares to none.

Plus, the good part is that they are available in several flavors and forms. You can have ice cream in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mango, pistachio, and practically any flavor that you can think of. Plus, it comes with one stick, in cups, in tubs, and whatnot. And if you feel a bit fancy, you can even try ice cream sundaes, cakes, sandwiches, etc.

But one thing that keeps some of us back is the fact that ice cream has a bad nutritional reputation. Hence, in this post, we will have a look at some factual data to determine how healthy ice cream is and whether or not it helps in losing weight.

Calories in an Ice Cream

If we were to state the exact count of calories in a certain serving of ice cream, then we would have to select a particular brand. That’sThat’s because each brand offers a different set of flavors with different recipes and thickness. Hence, the calorie count varies greatly. However, one thing is for sure; all ice creams are calorie-dense.

About ½ cup of regular ice cream (60-90 grams) offers 140 calories, which, when compared to other nutrients in the same cup, is way too high. For example, from the same cup, you will get 7 grams of fat and 30 milligrams of cholesterol. On top of that, you’ll get only 2 grams of protein, 17 grams of total carbs, and 14 grams of sugar.

 While in the same quantity, premium quality creamy and thick ice cream will provide you 210 grams of calories and low amounts of other nutrients accordingly. About 70 mg cholesterol, 3 grams protein, 13 grams of fats, 20 grams of total carbs, and 19 grams of sugar.

As you can see, both varieties offer quite very high amounts of calories. Hence, rationally, the high consumption of ice cream is not advisable. It will only lead to weight gain. Plus, if it contains any additional additives, then it may also lead to bloating, gas, inflammation, hyperactivity, behavioral changes (especially in children), etc.

What’s with the Ice Cream diet then? 

Well, the Ice cream diet promises slimming down and a healthier body while involving ice cream in the daily diet. The original concept of this diet comes from a book written by a nutritionist named Holly McCord in 2002.

But if that were the case, then how and why would ice creams develop such a bad reputation in regard to calories, in the first place? That’sThat’s because, in reality, ice cream still possesses as many calories as mentioned in the earlier sections of this article.

However, what still makes this diet effective is the general reduction in daily calorie intake. In the bigger picture, the Ice cream asks you to reduce the calories you consume each day (preferably to 1250). With this, you can add in your favorite food like ice cream worth 250 calories. Hence, the total calories you consume are no more than 1500. Thus, helping you reduce weight along with making it fun.

One thing that you should keep in check while following this diet is the nutritional composition of the ice cream. Make sure it contains only 250 calories and avoid consuming rich and creamy ice creams.

What is Low-Calorie Ice cream? 

As the name suggests, the Low-Calorie Ice Creams reduce the calories by using low-fat dairy products, artificial sweeteners, and milk substitutes. These ice creams can be a great way to satisfy your sweet-driven cravings while maintaining a healthy body. 

Nowadays, a lot of high-quality brands are manufacturing Low-Calorie Ice cream in Pakistan too. However, although the purpose of the product is to reduce calories, some brands utilize heavy processing methods that make the Low-Calorie Ice Cream much richer in calories than a regular one. Ironic, but it’sits merely the truth. So, what should one do? 

Perhaps, you should try making Low-Calorie Ice Cream at home! Here are some ways to do it:

In a medium bowl, stir together 1-cup of low-fat cottage cheese, 2-tbsp of unsweetened almond milk, 2-tbsp of desired sweetener (honey or any sugar substitute), and freeze till solid. Cut the solidified mixture into cubes and let it rest for 10-minutes. Then, add it into a food processor as well as 10-strawberries and blend until smooth. It yields two servings. 

In a food processor, combine 2-cups of mango, half a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt, 2-tsp of vanilla extract, and 2-tsp of honey. Blend it until smooth. It will yield four servings.

#Ice #Cream #Lose #Weight

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