Home Delivery Vs Dine-in

To a genuine Foodie, the word versus between two possible
and common practices of consuming food may appear quite illogical. I mean, you
might be thinking; What’s the difference? Food is food, regardless of the
location or exact place at which you savor it. Quality matters, only.

Well, I agree with that too. But science has a different stance. And today, we’re going to let the geeks speak. Let’s see how does, dining-in and home delivery of food differ from each other. And how does that have anything to do with our eating experience.

An Overview

According to a food survey conducted in 2004, ambient
factors substantially influence our eating choice and intake. These factors

  • Sound
  • Temperature
  • Social & Physical Surroundings
  • Smell (of the surroundings)
  • Lighting
  • Food Accessibility

All of the factors stated above govern the amount of food we
dish out for ourselves and consume. As of yet, there’s no evidence if ambient
factors have anything to do with nutritional health or that which goes inside
of our bodies. But as common sense suggests, we can assume that it does.
Because let’s suppose, there’s an anxious girl named Sally.

She gets served with her favorite meal in a very crowded
place. Almost every other minute, a person (friend or acquaintance) comes to
her table and passes comment on the way she holds her spoon or the amount of
food she has on her plate. Now, this will certainly make her even more anxious,
and she will try to wind up with her meal as soon as possible. She will eat
lesser than usual. Consequently, the nutritional value of the meal will

In light of the case mentioned above, we cannot deny that
science has a point. Home Delivery (i.e., ordering the food at home) and
dining-in (i.e., eating at a restaurant) have a lot to do with our diet. None
of them holds an advantage over the other, and so, I, for one, cannot recommend
you to stick to a certain mode of eating. It’s only a matter of taste and
personal preferences. Both practices have their respective differences, the
details of which you can find below.

The Differences

Imagine sitting on a comfy chair, relaxing, and letting go of the stress
that has accumulated in the past week. The pain in your shoulders is gradually
fading away, and the burden on your heart is steadily lifting. You feel at
immense peace. Suddenly, a rumbling sound echoes from within your stomach, and
an urge for scrumptious, mouth-watering food delight replace the previously
experienced feelings. In such a situation, when the urge is strong, the
fridge’s empty, and you lack energy, what is more feasible to you? Option1:
Despite the powerful cravings, forcing yourself into a presentable condition,
burning your fuel, and getting through all processes to eat a decent meal.
Option2: Making a call to the desired outlet, ordering the food, and patiently
waiting for the bell to ring. Logically, option2 seems less torturous, more
convenient, and economical.

By using the home-delivery facility, one can conveniently relax in the
comfort of home and savor the mouth-watering meals. Plus, you can even watch a
movie or read a book. Unlike dining-in at a restaurant, one has the liberty to
do whatever they want. Moreover, one does not have to burn the car’s fuel or
pay taxi fares.

Nowadays, there are even third-party home delivery applications and
platforms available, such as Foodies.pk. Using these sites, you can discover
various cuisines and best food places as well as conveniently order. These
third-party applications or platforms even offer valuable deals, discounts, and
coupons. Hence, augmenting your home delivery experience.

Well, while home delivery comes with the above-stated benefits, it has
some cons too. Usually, food gets hurriedly prepared for home delivery services
and does not retain a similar quality to dine-in food. Often, people report
receiving a poorly prepared meal or lack of some ingredients. Also, if you are
ordering from a faraway restaurant, then you are likely to receive a cold and
stale meal. However, it largely depends on the place from which you have

Meanwhile, for some, dining-in can be a much enthralling and exciting
experience, especially if you are not feeling lethargic or stressed. An
aesthetically-pleasing ambiance and presence of a lively atmosphere can greatly
uplift one’s mood. It allows one to become socially active and interact with
others. Some restaurants even offer background music and live concerts, which
can be entertaining. Hence, proving that dine-in experiences can be refreshing
and revitalizing. Even more, the food ordered at a restaurant is fresher,
hotter, and perfectly prepared than one ordered through home delivery. 

Concisely, the dine-in and home delivery have their own set of pros and
cons. What matters more in deciding between both is your preference. Happy

#Home #Delivery #Dinein

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