Today, complex urban life has lessened the gap between bakeries and our lives. Frequently, we find ourselves lining in long queues to get a palatable cake for a birthday party, or brownies for the evening tea. Some bakeries, especially in Karachi, have flourished to such an extent where the lightest and smallest of their delectable costs a fortune! Well, let’s have a look at these bakeries in Karachi and explore why they are so fancy!

Pie in the Sky

Founded in
2001, the Pie in the Sky is a popular food chain with a lot of bakeries all
around Karachi. Each bakery has a particularly warm environment with a
mouth-watering aroma of baked items. The gentle and polite attitude by staff
brightens the mood.  The bakery offers a
wide variety of biscuits, cakes, pastries, rolls, and many other baked goods.
It specializes in Mocha Java, Chocolate Malt Cake, and Chocolate fudge. Thus,
do not forget to try these scrumptious desserts.

Neco’s Bakery & Deli

Neco –
Organic and Original. I assume that’s exactly what the team of this
nutrition-oriented bakery thought of before the aroma of its baked goods seeped
into the hearts of Karachites. Often the sugary content of bakery items shuns
the cravings and yearnings of health-conscious Foodies. And they have to do
without it.

Neco’s noticed this strenuous battle being fought by many and introduced a basket-full, nourishing and healthful bakery items. Their Bakery and Deli products range from organic spreads  (almond butter, apple rose jam, sugar-free peanut butter, etc.) to gluten-free bread and cupcakes. This unique bakery even provides various, delicious, and salubrious salad dressings, including Caesar Salad Dressing, Japanese Salad Dressing, Mustard Salad Dressing, etc. And that’s not just about it. All of these heavenly, appetizing delights are available at highly reasonable rates.


An American
food chain, the Cinnabon holds a reputable position amongst the best bakeries
of the world. The bakery offers cinnamon-based baked treats, including the
famous Cinnabon. A contemporary variation in baked items is the Cookie Bon that
consists of a Cinnabon inside a cookie. Made from high-quality ingredients, these
cinnamon based products have a scrumptious savory taste, especially when eaten
with a cup of tea. The Cinnabon also provides different types of coffees and
hot drinks to have with bakery items.

Red Riding

Based on the
sugary folk-tale, this bakery is themed according to Red Riding Hood. Perhaps,
the red, woody entrance of the bakery reminds us of the same door that little
Red Riding Hood knocked on. And all of a sudden there’s an urge to finally
taste the delectable cookies that she brought for her granny.

In this
trance, when one finally steps into this majestic bakery, it dawns upon us that
it does not have those chocolatey cookies for us. Instead, it’s a trap!

Except that
it isn’t a wolf this time, rather, it’s a range of chocolatey, fruity, creamy,
and fluffy, tempting cakes arranged in a queue in transparent glass shelves.
Boxes of mouth-watering, scrumptious cookies, cupcakes as well as oven-hot
bread, doughnuts, and tea-snacks buck up this alluring trap. And one can not
help, but fall for it.

Trust me once you have even a single bite of their iconic, appetizing, and luscious cakes, you won’t be able to stop!


in 1988, the Hobnob has numerous outlets in Karachi and is still expanding day
by day. Masses of Karachi have always praised the soft, creamy, and flavorful
baked goods ranging from cupcakes to enormous cakes. It also offers a variety
of spiced up treats like pizza, sandwiches, rolls, and much more. By using
high-quality ingredients, the Hobnob bakery offers the most nutritious and
wholesome food in Karachi. Recently, it has launched its customized range of
baked items that are gaining rapid appreciation and response.


Are you in search of a palatable cake variation? Or, are you looking for something sweet, sugary, and creamy yet satisfies your cravings? Well, if so, then Delizia is the ideal bakery to visit. Regardless of its numerous outlets, you can always find the Delizia bakery overwhelming with food-passionate people. You can even order online and save the hassle of making a ride!

Although Delizia offers all the baked goods, it retains
its expertise in cakes. The large cake variation includes Kit Kat cake, honey cake,
carrot nut cake, milky malt cake, and much more. The high-end designs and
ingredients account for heavy charges. However, the food products of Delizia
are worth trying!


Indeed, one has to pay a lot at these bakeries, though the cost becomes reasonable when the food quality and variety are considered. Surely, you will not find such remarkable quality and rich flavors in a local bakery. If you are passionate about food-lover, then so try out the above-listed bakeries in Karachi. Trust me, the money you’ll spend will be worth it!

#Bakery #Fancy

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